This animation, from Centinel Spine, demonstrates the surgical technique for the motion-preserving prodisc C Total Disc Replacement procedure.
This is a brief overview of the prodisc C Cervical Total Disc Replacement System, from Centinel Spine.
This animation, from Centinel Spine, demonstrates the surgical technique for the motion-preserving prodisc L Total Disc Replacement procedure.
This is a brief overview of the prodisc L Lumbar Total Disc Replacement System, from Centinel Spine.
Neck pain, being defined as central to the neck or slightly off to the side of your neck, is most often caused by one of two things – either degenerative disc disease, which can lead to tremendous pain for some, or facet joint pain, which occurs when the facet joints on either side of the vertebrae
“I'm sure you always hear how much you have made a difference in the quality of living after helping so many people, so you are going to hear it one more time from me. Thank you for everything and for being so sweet, patient and giving of yourself!”
“I'm sure you always hear how much you have made a difference in the quality of living after helping so many people, so you are going to hear it one more time from me. Thank you for everything and for being so sweet, patient and giving of yourself!”
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